Chamber of Mothers – Willow Pump Skip to main content

Meet Chamber of Mothers.

Uniting America's 85 million moms to harness their power for progress, Chamber of Mothers' work centers on three key initiatives.

Paid family leave

There is no federally protected paid family leave: 25% of mothers are back at work just two weeks after giving birth.*

*Paid Leave US

Affordable childcare

Childcare is inaccessible: 51% of Americans live in a childcare “desert,” and the average cost of childcare for two kids exceeds the average cost of housing in all 50 states.*

*Center for American Progress

Maternal Health

Maternal mortality is a national emergency: The U.S. has the highest rate of any developed nation, and 84% of those deaths are preventable.*

*Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

How does Chamber of Mothers create change?

Chamber of Mothers has created an ever-growing national motherhood coalition — harnessing the power of 85 million American moms to enact meaningful change at the local, state, and national level.


  • 100,000 members strong and growing
  • 30 local chapters, plus a military moms chapter
  • 50+ meetings held with members of Congress (red and blue!)
  • 5 current bipartisan maternal bills supported
  • 4 million moms reached every month

"By expanding and sharing our resources, we’re shifting the narrative about a mother’s role in America so both lawmakers and mothers know that mothers are a force to be feared and revered."

— Erin Erenberg, CEO of Chamber of Mothers

"Willow was founded to disrupt outdated norms for motherhood, and with that mission, we are proud to partner with Chamber of Mothers to transform motherhood for the better."

— Sarah O'Leary, CEO of Willow

Fed up and fired up?

Join a Local Chapter

The policies in America are failing us, but we have the power to set a new course for our generation — and a future generation — of moms.

Find your village and help the matriarchy advocate for change on a local, state, and federal level in one of Chamber of Mothers' 30+ chapters nationwide.