Why We Partnered with Chamber of Mothers to Advance Maternal Rights – Willow Pump Skip to main content

Why We Partnered with Chamber of Mothers to Advance Maternal Rights

Why We Partnered with Chamber of Mothers to Advance Maternal Rights

We’re proud to advocate alongside the nonpartisan 501(c)(3) and further a shared mission — improving the maternal experience in America.  

At Willow, we’ve always believed that moms deserve better. Not just when it comes to pumping and feeding, but throughout their entire postpartum journey and beyond. 

Since creating the first fully wearable breast pump, we’ve continued to advocate for a more supportive system — fighting for mandatory parental leave policies, speaking out against the Pink Tax, rallying behind the PUMP Act, and more. So we couldn’t be more thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with the Chamber of Mothers to put the needs of moms first, and enact change on the local, state, and federal level.

Read on to learn more about the partnership and see how you can get involved by voting like a mother this fall. 

Who is the Chamber of Mothers? 

A nonpartisan 501(c)(3), Chamber of Mothers is dedicated to creating a national motherhood coalition to harness the power of 82 million American moms — many of whom struggle to raise their families. 

Through lobbying efforts and grassroots organizing (they run 15 active local chapters nationwide with a waiting list of 300+ communities), their focus is on three key pillars: 

  • Paid family leave: There is no federally protected paid family leave, and 25% of mothers are back at work just two weeks after giving birth.
  • Affordable childcare: Childcare is inaccessible, and 51% of Americans live in a childcare “desert.” The average cost of childcare for two kids exceeds the average cost of housing in all 50 states.
  • Maternal health support: Maternal mortality is a national emergency, and there has been a 64% increase in maternal mortality between 2019 and 2021.

By the numbers 

Since their founding in 2021, Chamber of Mothers has made a meaningful impact — a testament to the commitment of the moms (all volunteers!) leading the charge. Some of their biggest accomplishments in just three years?

  • 100,000 members strong and growing 
  • 30 local chapters launched, plus a military moms chapter
  • 50+ meetings held with members of Congress (red and blue!)
  • Five current bipartisan maternal bills supported
  • Four million moms reached every month through outreach and organizing efforts

And they’re just getting started. 

Why now? 

As America approaches the next election, urgent public health initiatives prioritizing moms’ health and well-being are at stake — and on the ballot. So our partnership will focus on nonpartisan activations, campaigns, and events with the goal of encouraging moms to join the “Vote Like a Mother” movement, and providing them with access to resources such as mom-centered legislation overviews, registration status updates, and ballot and polling details.

“Our dedication at Willow to change what it means to be a mother has never been more relevant and pressing than it is today. America is at a tipping point, and the risks associated with having a baby today are so high that women are opting out of motherhood,” says our CEO Sarah O’Leary. “As a mother and a leader of a company centered on moms, I know we are exhausted by a broken system that has left us unsupported and unprotected. It doesn’t have to be this way. We are partnering with Chamber of Mothers because there is power in the mom community, and together, we will transform motherhood for the better.” 

Get involved and vote like a mother this fall! 

If you're as fed up and fired up as we are, here’s how you can support the Chamber of Mothers’ work and join us in advocating for mothers’ rights: 

  • Text MOTHER to 26797 and register to vote if you haven't already. These issues are on the ballot! You can also check current registration status and access detailed ballot and polling information on child care, paid leave, and maternal health. 

Beyond voting, you can join the Chamber of Mothers in your community, and fund their work in DC and beyond. 

We hope you’ll join us — because moms deserve more, and moms deserve better. 

Learn more about the partnership in our official announcement and make sure to follow both @willowpump and @chamberofmothers for updates throughout election season and beyond. 
