Don't Make These Mistakes When Combining Breastfeeding and Pumping – Willow Pump Skip to main content

Don't Make These Mistakes When Combining Breastfeeding and Pumping

Don't Make These Mistakes When Combining Breastfeeding and Pumping

Switching between boob and bottle? Here’s what to avoid. 

No matter where you are on your feeding journey, combining breastfeeding and pumping can be a great way to give yourself some flexibility while maintaining your milk supply. 

It can be a game changer in so many situations, whether you're newly postpartum and sharing nighttime feeds with a partner, returning to work, or planning a trip away from your baby. But it can also come with a few challenges! So we sat down with our friend Britney —  a nurse, doula, author, and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant with our partners at SimpliFed — to get her tips, do’s, and don’ts. 

Below, she’s sharing five common mistakes that moms make when switching between the boob and bottle. Read on for more, or watch the video

Mistake #1: Starting to pump before you’ve successfully established a breastfeeding routine 

With a few exceptions, such as having a baby in the NICU, lactation consultants recommend that you wait until you've "established breastfeeding" before introducing a pump. This is usually around the six-week mark, when you and your baby have gotten into a routine and your supply has settled.  

Pumping too early can pose a challenge to your body's natural supply and demand response, and put you at greater risk for developing undersupply or oversupply by pumping too infrequently or too often. On the other hand, waiting until you've gotten into a groove at the breast will make you a more confident pumper — you'll know how often your baby wants to eat and for how long, and have greater peace of mind that they're getting what they need from the bottle. 

Mistake #2: Not sticking to a regular pumping schedule 

If you'll be pumping frequently, getting on a schedule and sticking to it will help maintain your supply and make your days feel manageable. This is important since you won't be nursing on demand — and feeding frequency is one of the most important factors in supply maintenance. 

Your pumping schedule will depend on a few different factors, but you should aim to pump as frequently as your baby has been feeding, or every 2-3 hours for about 15-20 minutes.This will help mimic your baby’s feeding routine, and tell your body to continue producing milk.

Consistency is critical. If you miss a scheduled pump session, pump as soon as you're able to, and then pump again at your next scheduled session. It's okay if they're close together. You can still feed on demand while pumping on a schedule. Offer a bottle whenever your baby shows hunger cues! 

Mistake #3: Pumping before you find your flange fit and master your pump settings

Many moms don't realize that their pump may not "fit" right out of the box. But once you add pumping to the mix, finding your flange fit is critical! This ensures that you'll get optimal milk output and keep your supply up. 

Fit tips: 

  • Measure the width of your nipples before pumping or whenever you notice discomfort or a change in supply (remember that your nipples will change in size throughout your pumping journey!)
  • Calculate your flange fit based on your pump's instructions
  • Experiment with sizing inserts for a more snug and comfortable fit 

Usually, you'll add between zero to three millimeters to your measurement to find the flange that's right for you. Sometimes, you may need to add an insert to create a more snug and comfortable fit!

After finding your fit, you'll also want to get the hang of managing your pump's modes so that you know what level of suction is right for you and how often to toggle between stimulation, which triggers let down, and expression, which pulls out milk.  

This can make all the difference in your milk output. 

Mistake #4: Pumping too often, or not enough 

If you've been nursing on demand up to this point, you've likely been making just the right amount of milk for your baby. That's the magic of supply and demand! Once you introduce a pump, you'll want to make sure that you continue to make the right amount — not too little, not too much.

To avoid a dip in your supply, also known as undersupply, you'll want to pump every time that your baby has a bottle. The goal is to continue emptying your breasts as you have been. Once your baby starts sleeping longer stretches, you might also need to add a pump session to maintain your milk supply. And of course, sticking to a schedule will also help you stay in maintenance mode. 

To avoid oversupply, you'll want to make sure that you don't pump too often or for too long. Contrary to what you may think, you actually don't want to make too much milk! 

Oversupply can lead to: 

  • Plugged ducts, which can feel like painful knots or lumps in your breast
  • Mastitis, which is marked by pain, swelling, and even flu-like symptoms like fever
  • Not to mention that making too much milk can lead to waste! 

Mistake #5: Not storing and handling your breast milk properly

Whether you're pumping at home or on the go, you'll want to have a plan for safely storing your milk. 

Storage bags

Stock up on food-grade, leak-proof storage bags, which can be labeled with the date and the number of ounces before going in the fridge or freezer. You can also pool your pumped milk throughout the day in a glass milk pitcher. 

Insulated milk cooler

If you won't have access to a fridge right away, consider investing in a portable milk cooler that will chill your milk until you get home. You can also put storage bags into an insulated pack filled with ice packs and keep your milk cold that way. 

Once you have the right tools, make sure to read up on the milk storage guidelines established by the CDC. (And remember to always label your refrigerated or frozen milk with the time, date, and number of ounces!)

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Proper Storage and Preparation of Breast Milk; Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, Human Milk Storage Information for Home Use for Full Term Infants 

And when you’re ready to thaw your milk, make sure that you’re avoiding the microwave and boiling water by following the guidelines below!

  • Milk can be thawed in the refrigerator. It will take between 4 and 12 hours to defrost completely. Always thaw bags standing up to avoid leaks. 
  • Milk can also be thawed under a stream of warm water, or by being placed in a bowl of warm water. If using a bowl, swirl gently to speed defrosting and to make sure that the fatty parts of the milk (which may separate when frozen) are incorporated. Make sure the temperature is no higher than 99 degrees. Never microwave breast milk! 
  • Defrosted milk can remain in the fridge for up to 24 hours, or at room temperature for two hours, before being used. 
  • Milk that has been previously frozen should never be refrozen. 
  • Any breast milk that has been mixed with powdered or liquid formula should be used within an hour. Any milk left over should be disposed of. 

Don’t forget to seek support if you need it!

Deciding to combine pumping and breastfeeding can be freeing, but it can also be challenging. If you're struggling with pain, discomfort, or sudden shifts in your supply, don't wait to reach out to a lactation consultant for support. They can help you establish a routine that works for you, troubleshoot if you're seeing your supply dip, and even provide guidance on your specific pump's settings and sizing. 

Finally, remember that there are lots of reasons that a mom may decide to combine pumping and breastfeeding, and that no two babies or feeding journeys are the same. Comparing your supply or your pumping schedule to others will only create stress.

For more expert-backed tips on pumping and feeding, don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check out our blog for pumping schedules, supply guidance, sizing tips, and more!