Why Your Comfort is Essential to Milk Output – Willow Pump Skip to main content

Why Your Comfort is Essential to Milk Output

Expert Contributor

By: Dr. Laurie Jones, MD, IBCLC

Why Your Comfort is Essential to Milk Output

Dr. Laurie Jones explains the science behind why pumping comfort leads to more milk output. 

The rumors are true: If you want to maximize milk output, you first need to get comfortable. We know––everyone is telling you to just relax! As if you can just blink and make it happen! But hear us out: There’s a science-backed reason why and It has to do with a little hormone called oxytocin. Thankfully, with the right breast pump and support, there is a way to (actually) get comfortable. 

We spoke with pediatrician, breastfeeding medicine specialist, and lactation consultant, Dr. Laurie Jones, on all things oxytocin and what you can do to get comfy (and increase milk output) STAT. Read on for more, or watch the video

Oxytocin: What is it and Why Does it Matter?

Milk letdown (or MER, milk ejection reflex) comes from the hormone oxytocin. The milk you produce sits in alveoli sacs, tiny grape-like clusters in your breasts. When you begin to breastfeed or pump, it sends a neurohormonal signal to your brain to release oxytocin, which travels through the blood stream and tells the sacs to open, and that’s what tells the milk to be released. While you may not feel it, this is your  “letdown.” The baby’s mouth or the pump vacuum pulling isn’t enough alone to remove the milk. The breast has to release it, and the oxytocin is the key!

More Oxytocin = More Letdowns = More Milk = More Quickly

The more comfortable your pump and the more your pump mimics a baby's nursing rhythm, the more oxytocin is released, which allows for more letdowns, meaning more milk volume more quickly. Our thought: Why pump for 20 minutes when you can pump for 8? Whether you’re an exclusive pumper or not, anyone can benefit from a quicker and more efficient pump session!

Pumping vs. Nursing: Oxytocin in Both Instances

If you’re nursing your baby, hopefully the two of you have found a pain-free rhythm. (This can take time, we know!) The reason it’s so important to choose a pump that puts comfort first is because you want to mimic the nursing experience as much as possible.

How Your Body Releases Oxytocin While Nursing

Oxytocin is released when the baby’s mouth stimulates the nipple at the right frequency and with minimal pain. It’s this combination of lack of pain, plus quickness and amount of stretch that signals oxytocin release. When your baby stimulates the nipple, oxytocin is triggered, which relaxes tiny muscles around the areas that hold milk and the ducts dilate, allowing milk to flow. 

It’s why newborns do the “chin quiver” where their chins drop on instinct, a quick and rapid movement that turns and pulls the nipple to get that oxytocin release, and why three-month-old babies turn, twist, or pull back rapidly as they nurse to get more let-downs. Did you know: Older babies will pull your nipple in 1.5–2 inches. All the way back to the soft palate! 

How Your Body Releases Oxytocin While Pumping

The better your pump can mimic your baby––how far the nipple is pulled back, how quickly, when it releases––and the more comfortable it is, the more oxytocin is released, and therefore, the more you can empty your breasts. This was the inspiration behind the design of the Willow Go: it’s a combination of innovations that makes it engineered for more comfort and milk output.

Painful Pumping Harms Milk Flow & Can Cause Issues

We would do anything for our babies, even if that means tolerating pain––but that’s actually what’s hurting your supply, and in the end, doesn’t benefit you or your baby. Here’s why.

Pain Inhibits Oxytocin

The problem with a pump that pinches and pulls your nipple is that pain and discomfort can inhibit the release of oxytocin, having an immediate impact on your body’s ability to remove milk. (This is also true of stress, anxiety, and exhaustion, which is why breastfeeding mothers are encouraged to prioritize rest!) It’s not all or nothing; painful pumping doesn’t mean zero milk. But it hinders supply, and means fewer letdowns and longer pumping sessions

More Pain Could Mean More Problems

Inhibiting your oxytocin release isn’t the only reason you want to avoid a pump that hurts: Conditions like sore nipples, plugged ducts, and mastitis can also crop up when your nipples and breasts are pinched or pulled. In fact, chafing or friction will create thickening, extra keratin layers on the surface of the nipple pores and that’s where you get painful milk blisters. A comfortable pump that fits well and is designed for comfort should not cause thickening and extra skin on the nipple.

Design Matters: Features to Ensure Comfort & Better Milk Output 

Ultimately the best breast pump is the one that you know you will use. But there are certain design features to look out for when prioritizing comfort and milk output.  

Flange Fit

Finding the right flange fit starts with measuring your nipples and finding the right size flange or insert. You’ll want to do this when you start pumping and any time that you notice a change in your comfort or output over time. Sometimes it’s about trial and error after measuring: If the fit isn’t comfortable despite measuring correctly, you may need to size up or down. It’s not an exact science because the elasticity or stretchiness of each person’s skin and tissues under vacuum is not predicted by the size measured in width. 

You can also ensure comfort by using inserts to customize flange fit. A good pump will offer these, as well as sizing support.

Flange Length 

If the flange is too short, your nipple runs the risk of crashing into the end of the tunnel. This is especially if you have what’s known as “elastic nipples,” or nipples that stretch more when pumping. 

Flange Angle

Most flanges sit at 90 degrees, though the Willow Go, for example, is clinically optimal at 105 degrees.

Motor Placement & Alignment

If your flange rests too low or high, it can also cause problems; uneven weight distribution around your nipple can cause your pump to pull unnaturally at your breast. A motor that sits on top of your breast can weigh down the wearable and make alignment more difficult. But a donut-shaped motor sits on your breast more evenly, allowing for correct and comfortable alignment.

Curved Edge

If your pump has a flat edge, it can pinch or compress your breast tissue. A curved edge protects the breast tissue from being compressed, while a hard edge resembling a funnel or “cone” can lead to pinching and pulling.