Everything you need to support postpartum breast care and comfort in one easy and convenient box
Includes access to the Find Your Flow Feeding Course, developed in partnership with the lactation experts at SimpliFed, plus a free 15-min consultation for personalized support
Products are designed to set the foundation for feeding success — helping to manage discomfort and maintain a healthy supply
Made with food-grade materials that prioritize safety and comfort, and made without BPA
2 Soothing Silver Nursing Cups: Anti-
inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal relief for sore, painful, and irritated nipples
2 Catch-All Milk Cups: Designed to catch leaks and letdowns and protect sensitive nipples
4 Cooling Gel Nipple Pads: Rapidly soothing relief for seriously irritated nipples
2 Reusable Breast Pads: A sustainable solution for managing leaking breasts
2 Hot & Cold Breast Therapy Pads: Heat encourages letdowns while ice provides relief for engorgement, swelling, and more
Nipple Sizing Guide: To help you find the right flange and insert size for optimal comfort and milk output
Access to the Find Your Flow Feeding Course, developed in partnership with SimpliFed to address topics like breast care, relieving common feeding conditions, combination feeding, and more
Access to free 15-minute session with a lactation consultant for personalized guidance and support
This kit is for moms-to-be and newly postpartum moms who are working to establish breastfeeding and relieve common conditions that cause pain and discomfort. (It also makes a great registry gift!) It is full of products designed to help moms set the foundation for breastfeeding success.
The products in the Find Your Flow Feeding Kit help to relieve sore nipples, plugged ducts, and engorgement; encourage letdown; and manage leaking breasts. A measurement tool is also included to help with finding the right flange fit — essential for comfort and output when pumping.
You can view detailed instructions here, and get tips for making the most out of the kit and its products on the blog, along with guidance from lactation consultants and other experts.
All products included in the Find Your Flow Feeding Kit have been designed with materials that prioritize safety and comfort. The materials used in each product vary. Visit the links below for details and care tips.