The Science Behind Willow Go – Willow Pump Skip to main content

The Science Behind Willow Go

Expert Contributor

By: Dr. Laurie Jones, MD, IBCLC

The Science Behind Willow Go

Everything you need to know about moms’ favorite pump—designed to fit better, feel good, optimize milk production, and protect your supply over time. 

It’s not just one feature that makes the Willow Go exceptional. It’s many features working in tandem to create a clinically tested pump design that leads to optimal pump comfort and performance (and more milk!). Did you know? Pumping comfort is directly connected to more effective pumping, more milk output and a healthier supply over time. 

Dr. Laurie Jones, board certified pediatrician and lactation consultant, explains. Read on for more, or watch the video.

Inside the Willow Go 

This article takes a peek inside Go’s proprietary design and technology to see how its three key features––the flange, the motor, and the suction––result in the most comfort and milk output of any hospital-strength wearable breast pump.

The Importance of flange fit

A flange is a cone-shaped funnel, typically ending in a tunnel, that seals over your nipple and breast and creates a vacuum to transmit milk––and it’s one of the most important pieces to pumping success. Flanges come in different sizes because nipples vary in size from person to person and even from breast to breast. 

An improperly fitted flange will affect output and can reduce stimulation, minimizing the hormonal rush of oxytocin that triggers letdown and milk production. It could cause injury and other discomforts. In other words, your supply could drop. 

Pumps are not one size fits all! A good, close flange fit is important for any wearable, and Willow Go’s flange is uniquely designed for comfort and milk output. Here’s how.

A smoother, longer flange tunnel 

Much of Willow Go’s comfort can be attributed to the depth of its flange tunnel, which is longer than that of most other wearables. When babies nurse, they pull the nipple all the way back to their soft palate near the throat; it stretches a lot! The long and smooth flange tunnel in the Willow Go allows for nipple movement that more closely mimics how a baby breastfeeds. 

The Go flange tunnel accommodates more of the nipple––even elastic ones!––to help avoid abrasion. That means the nipple is less likely to crash into the end of the flange (which is painful and inhibits milk output), and can be common in other wearable pumps.

Willow Go’s flange is also unique because of its smooth surface. Whereas many flange tunnels are “interrupted” by a diaphragm or duckbill, Willow Go’s flange tunnel is totally continuous and smooth— assuring no nipple abrasion and mimicking the smoothness of baby’s mouth more closely. This allows for the movement that is critical for nipple comfort, releasing oxytocin and milk letdown.

A 105° flange cone

Willow Go has a wide flange cone of 105 degrees, which is clinically proven to express a higher volume of milk in less time, with higher peak flow rates, and shorter time to first milk ejection. Most wearable pumps have a less optimal, 90-degree flange cone angle, but the 105-degree angle means more milk, more quickly! 

A curved flange edge for comfort 

When comparing Willow Go to other wearables, you’ll also notice a difference in the shape of the flange itself — specifically, the curved edges that wrap back around the pump. This design is more optimized for comfort than a flange with a flat, cone-shaped edge, which runs the risk of pinching and pulling breast tissue, as well as creating more friction which can lead to skin thickening. The curved flange edge means more pumping comfort, and comfort is key to your body releasing oxytocin and your pump’s ability to empty you!

Flange inserts designed for comfort & optimal fit

The flanges that came with your pump kit might not fit––and that’s OK! All breasts and bodies are different. If you need a smaller size, Willow offers a range of flange inserts. Willow inserts have also been thoughtfully designed for maximum comfort and differ from other inserts or nipple cushions. They feature a matte material that’s smooth against skin, just like baby, and not sticky like some inserts, as well as tapered edges. This means your nipple can glide along the flange tunnel, instead of  abruptly ending and creating a hard edge that can cause nipple abrasion.

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Why it matters: weight distribution, suction strength & more

In addition to its thoughtfully innovative flange design, Willow Go has an interior, circular motor, hospital-grade suction, as well as suction that mimics how baby breastfeeds––and it’s fully customizable per breast, resulting in greater comfort and efficiency. Here’s why it matters.

A circular donut-shaped motor

Willow Go’s round interior circular motor ensures even weight distribution so the pump sits in your bra and on your breast more naturally. Many other wearable pumps have motors that sit on top of the pump. Unsurprisingly, motors that sit on top of pumps are top heavy—pushing down the nipple in an unnatural direction and impacting proper suction and nipple alignment. Because the weight of Willow Go’s pump motor is evenly distributed around the nipple, it helps the flange tunnel sit at a comfortable and natural spot, which means more comfort and more effective emptying.

Customizable suction & hospital-grade strength

Like a traditional pump, Willow has hospital-strength suction. But unlike traditional pumps, you can customize the mode (from stimulation to expression), or strength, for each breast. It’s a major pumping misconception that “strength” or “power” equals more output. On the contrary, it’s possible to make your most milk without maxing out your suction speed and intensity. What matters is how customizable your pump is: Can you toggle between stimulation and expression modes to help induce your letdown? Can you adjust the strength so it’s the right suction for your body? And for each breast? You can with Willow Go. 

Natural suction style mimics baby

It’s not just the strength of the Willow Go that makes it so effective, it's also the stretch pattern and speed of how it slowly stretches and releases the nipple for optimal oxytocin (and milk letdowns). Go is modeled after your favorite traditional, hospital-strength pumps and baby’s nursing patterns––modes mimic optimal letdown.

A pump that changes with you

The reason Willow Go’s customizable features are so important is because we want a pump that’s engineered to accommodate us as our bodies and pumping journeys change. Everybody’s breasts change over time. The shape, contour, collagen, skin elasticity, breast storage capacity, and how fatty your breasts are can change over postpartum. Control is essential. To be successful, you want a pump that is engineered to change with you, where you can adjust sizing with inserts, modify settings to encourage your letdown, and adjust suction strength, per breasts.

Beyond design: where support comes into play

Willow’s main goal is to support moms––and it’s not enough to send them into the world of motherhood with little more than a flimsy set of instructions. Moms deserve better. Willow is committed to helping you master your pump and we’re here to support your success every step of the way. 

Getting started 

If you’re pumping with the Willow Go, you can book a free virtual session with a Willow Mom Coach. These Willow experts are Lactation Educators and authorities on all things sizing, and can help you measure your nipples, experiment with different flange and insert sizes, and optimize output through proper alignment. They’ll even help you find the right bra! (If your flange fits well, but your bra is too loose, you may still deal with less than optimal output.)

24/7 customer support

Did you know? Willow was recently ranked #1 in customer service among pumping moms–and not just for wearables, among all pumps!* Willow customer support is largely made up extremely knowledgeable agents, most of them moms. Plus, they’re U.S.-based for real-time assistance. Because moms deserve help, even––especially––at 4 a.m. This is an amazing and free option that you can take advantage of at any point in your pumping journey. 

The Willow app has it all

The Willow app is for more than just controlling and customizing your breast pump. You can also access a wealth of articles on feeding, motherhood, and more; shop with the click of a button; access partner discounts and collaborations; and find answers to your questions through Ema, our conversational AI tool that’s trained to support mom with empathy and insight. 

The pump that keeps you going

There’s a reason why Go is mom’s favorite pump, and it’s all thanks to the perfect combination of design innovation for maximum comfort and output, exceptional customization to meet mom where she is, and unparalleled customer service––not to mention the freedom and mobility to pump your way. Because moms deserve better.

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