From setting a schedule to finding your flange fit, here’s what to know about maintaining a healthy supply while you pump.
When it comes to your milk supply, the early days of breastfeeding can be challenging. You may feel unsure about whether you're producing enough for your baby — and if you're pumping, whether you're fully emptying your breasts at every session and maintaining a healthy supply.
The good news? Whether they’re nursing or pumping, most moms are meeting their babies needs, even if they feel like they're not producing enough. (Read that again!)
Below, we'll walk you through do’s and don’ts for optimizing your supply when pumping from our friend Britney: a nurse, doula, author, and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant with our partners at SimpliFed.
What we'll cover:
- How often to pump
- How long pumping sessions should be
- When and how to adjust your schedule
- How to use your pump settings for optimal output
- And more!
Watch the video or read on for more!
Do: Check Your Size, Bra, and Alignment
Taking the time to set a strong foundation is one of the best ways to ensure that you’re supporting your supply while pumping.
Find your flange fit
First things first: before pumping, make sure that you've measured your nipples and are using the flange or flange and insert combination that's right for you. Without a flange that fits, your pump won't be able to fully empty your breasts, and over time, this can put a dent in your supply. (An ill-fitting flange can also lead to conditions like engorgement and plugged ducts, which can cause pain and discomfort and make it hard to keep up with your feeding schedule. This will cause your supply to dip as well!)
To find your fit, you'll want to measure the width of your nipples and then calculate your flange size based on the instructions specific to your pump. You may need to do this more than once, since your nipples will change in size over time. Usually, you'll add between zero to three millimeters to your measurement to find the flange that's right for you. Sometimes, you may need to add an insert to create a more snug and comfortable fit!
Learn more about how to measure your flange fit and why painful pumping is detrimental to milk flow.
Check your bra
After finding the right flange, make sure you're using a stretchy pumping bra that's snug enough to hold your pumps in place. If you're using a wearable like Willow, just the tops of the pumps should peek out!
If your bra is too loose, you'll also sacrifice output and risk undersupply. And if it's too tight, you could be at risk of plugged ducts or even mastitis. Remember, comfort and milk output always go hand in hand.
Align your pump
Finally, you’ll want to focus on your pump's alignment before you start your session. The flange should be centered directly over your nipple, and you shouldn't feel any rubbing or pulling. This will ensure that your milk can flow freely and that your milk ducts aren't compressed, which can also have a negative impact on supply.
Do: Pump on a Frequent, Consistent Schedule
You'll want to make sure that you're pumping on a regular schedule, especially if you've recently introduced a pump. This will help you maintain your supply by telling your body to continue producing milk.
Your schedule will vary based on a few different factors, such as where you are in your feeding journey, whether or not you're pumping exclusively, and how quickly your milk starts flowing. But a good goal is to target every 2-3 hours, or however often your baby has been nursing at the breast.
Consistency is key. If you miss a scheduled pump session, pump as soon as you're able to, and then pump again at your next scheduled session. It's okay if they're close together. And remember that even though you're pumping on a schedule, you can still feed on demand — offering a bottle whenever your baby shows hunger cues.
Learn more about crafting a schedule when you’re pumping at work and pumping exclusively, and check out our Q&A about schedules and supply.
Do: Make Sure Your Sessions are Long Enough (But Not Too Long!)
For optimal supply, you'll want to make sure that you're fully emptying your breasts during each pump session.
If you can generally feel your letdowns, you'll want to make sure that you have between 2 and 3 each time you pump. If you can't feel them, give yourself between 15 and 20 minutes, and make sure that your breasts no longer feel full by the end of your session.
How long to pump:
- Until you feel between 2-3 letdowns (don't worry: some moms don't feel them!)
- Between 15 and 20 minutes
- Until your breasts no longer feel full
Do: Adjust Your Schedule When Needed
As your baby grows and changes, your schedule may need to evolve as well.
Over time, for example, you may find that you can shorten your pumping sessions by a few minutes and continue to make the same amount of milk. On the other hand, if you're recovering from a cold or illness that caused a dip in your supply, you may need to pump more frequently and lengthen your sessions to kick your production into gear again.
"Power pumping" is an example of one of the ways you can tweak your schedule to troubleshoot a dip in supply. When you do this, you're basically mimicking baby's cluster feeds, which are common in their early weeks of life. The goal is to remove as much milk as possible during back-to-back sessions, signaling your body to produce more milk!
You'll want to add one power pumping session into your day on top of your existing feeds, whether you're nursing or pumping exclusively. Over the course of an hour, you'll pump for a period of time and rest for a period of time, telling your body to make more milk.
Usually, this looks like an initial 20 minute pump, followed by 10 minutes off and ten minutes on.
How to power pump:
- Pump for 20 minutes
- Rest for 10 minutes
- Pump for 10 minutes
- Rest for 10 minutes
- Pump for 10 final minutes
Do: Make Sure You’re Using the Right Pump Settings
Finally, it's important to experiment to find out which level suction is right for you and how often to toggle between stimulation and expression.
Stimulation triggers let down, while expression pulls out milk. They're both essential for optimizing output and maintaining a healthy supply. Pump on the highest setting that is comfortable for you, and remember that setting the vacuum to the strongest suction level doesn't mean that you'll make more milk. This is a common misconception — and one that often ends up leaving moms in pain!
Once you've mastered your settings, you can focus on optimizing comfort and output even more by trying things like lubrication spray. This can help reduce skin friction and help your skin glide more easily while pumping.
Don’t: Pump to the Point of Oversupply
The biggest misconception when pumping? That you should pump to the point of oversupply. Too much milk is not a good thing!
Oversupply can lead to plugged ducts, which can feel like painful knots or lumps in your breast, as well as mastitis, which is marked by pain, swelling, and even flu-like symptoms like fever. Not to mention that making too much milk can lead to waste!
Another common mistake? Using a pump that isn't designed with hospital-grade suction, which can impact its efficiency and harm your supply in turn. Whether you choose a wearable or a traditional pump, make sure you do your research.
Don’t: Pump Through Pain and Discomfort
Finally, many moms think that pumping through discomfort is normal.
But the truth is that pumping should never hurt, and if it does, you're likely on your way to sore nipples, plugged ducts, mastitis, or another common condition that will make it hard to continue pumping and breastfeeding over time.
There are a number of ways to optimize comfort, from trying a lubricating nipple cream or pumping spray to changing up your bra. You can also take advantage of tools like silver nursing cups, hot and cold therapy packs, and gel nipple pads! Sometimes the little things make a huge difference! And if you're dealing with pain that's persistent or notice a sudden change in your output, don't wait to reach out to a lactation consultant for support.
Shop our Find Your Flow Feeding Kit, filled with essentials for healing sore nipples, engorgement, and plugged ducts, and get access to a free feeding course led by the LCs at SimpliFed.
Now you’re ready to pump!
With these expert tips, you're ready to make the most out of your pump sessions and maintain a healthy supply. For more tips on setting a strong pumping foundation, visit the “Pumping and Breastfeeding” section on our blog and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
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