Everything You Need to Know About Breast Pump Replacement Parts – Willow Pump Skip to main content
Everything You Need to Know About Breast Pump Replacement Parts | Willow | Hands-Free, App-Compatible & Wearable Breast Pumps

Everything You Need to Know About Breast Pump Replacement Parts

Replace your parts often for optimal pumping

Did you know you need to replace the parts that come with your breast pump? Yes, seriously!

We promise, we aren't just saying this. Any breast pump you purchase will require you to replace its pump parts for best use and cleanliness.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, let's talk about the different types of breast pump parts.

Types of Breast Pump Parts

Breast pumps come with multiple parts. Which parts your pump comes with will vary slightly based on the pump you have. The most popular breast pump parts include:

  • Flanges: also called a breast shield, this pump part is the plastic piece that goes over your breast and nipple. Flanges come in different sizes based on the size of your nipple.

  • Duckbill valves: attach to the end of the flange, where your milk is released into a container. These valves get their name from their shape.

  • Backflow protectors: In a traditional pump, a backflow protector keeps your milk from being exposed to external elements.

  • Backflow protector membranes: are silicone disks that keep milk from splashing back into the motor or the tube of a breast pump. These membranes also block milk from splashing back into the tubes of traditional pumps.

  • Tubes: In traditional pumps, the flanges attach to your pump with clear tubing.

  • Sizing inserts: These pieces allow your flange to be adjusted to the size needed for your nipple. They are used when the standard pump flange sizes are not the proper fit.

Do I Need to Replace My Breast Pump Parts?

Alright, jumping back into this: YES. Please replace your breast pump parts!

While proper cleaning of your breast pump parts will help prevent any bacterial contamination, breast pump parts need to be replaced in regualr intervals. Failure to replace your breast pump parts increasing the chance for bacteria contaminating your parts and, in turn, your milk.

On top of the risk of contamination, failure to replace pump parts can impact how well your pump works. As the silicone begins to degrade, the proper suction in the valves and membranes can impact how much milk is expressed from your breast.

Do you really want to spend any extra time pumping? We sure wouldn't.

How Often Do I Need to Replace My Breast Pump Parts?

The window for replacing your breast pump parts will depend on how often you use them. If you are an exclusive pumper, you will likely need to replace your parts sooner than someone who is only pumping once or twice a day.

Here are the replacement windows we recommend following:

  • Flanges and backflow protectors should be replaced every six months, or at the first sign of cracking or malformation.

  • All silicone breast pump parts (membranes, duckbill valves, etc) should be replaced every 2 months, or at the first sign or tearing or other damages. These parts are frequently in contact with breast milk and have a higher risk of becoming contaminated.

  • Breast pump tubing should be replaced every four to six months. However, if you notice any signs of molding, you will need to replace the tubing immediately.

  • Breast milk bottles and containers should be replaced as needed. Keep an eye on your bottles for any sign of degradation or cracks.

Willow Pump Replacement Parts

Willow Pump Replacement Parts

Replace your pump parts regularly for an optimal pumping experience. If you notice that your pump seems to have lost suction, take a look at your parts. Have a second set of parts incase of lost or torn parts.

Signs You Need to Replace Your Breast Pump Parts

We've mentioned timing windows for replacing your breast pump parts but let's dive deeper. Sometimes these windows are cut short by damage and normal wear and tear. But how can you tell?

If your pump seems to be working less effectively than normal, it can be a sign that one or more of your pump parts needs to be replaced.

When cleaning your pump parts, take the time to carefully inspect each part for rips, cracks, or malformations. Any damage to your parts will impact your pumping session.

Are Breast Pump Parts Covered By My Warranty?

While we can't speak for all pumps, we can speak for ours! Willow pump parts are covered under warranty for 90 days. The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear. If you have any questions about the warranty, our Care Team is here to help!

Are Breast Pump Parts Covered By Insurance?

Did you know many insurance companies cover replacement breast pump parts? Many moms don't realize that breast pump parts are covered just like breast pumps!

To sweeten the deal, the replacement parts are typically shipped to you within the recommended replacement windows.

For questions regarding your specific insurance plan, you will need to talk with your carrier!

Willow Has Your Back - Buy Your Breast Pump Replacement Parts Today

Understanding the ins and outs of pumping and breastfeeding is overwhelming. Add in the breast pump parts and it can feel like a whole new world.

Willow is here to walk you through the journey - every step of the way. Our pumps are created with you in mind - take a moment to check them out and see what makes us different from the rest!


The content provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals. It should not be used to diagnose or treat medical conditions or problems. Please contact your healthcare provider with questions or concerns.
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