Understanding Breast Milk Colors – Willow Pump Skip to main content
Understanding Breast Milk Colors | Willow | Hands-Free, App-Compatible & Wearable Breast Pumps

Understanding Breast Milk Colors

It's completely natural and nothing to be alarmed about

Did you know that breast milk comes in a variety of colors? We know, crazy!

One of the most surprising things about breast milk is that it can change colors. But don't worry, this is completely natural and nothing to be alarmed about. In fact, if you are exclusively breastfeeding, you might not even notice the changes.

Breast milk is an amazing thing - filled with nutrition, antibodies, and love. While every journey will be different, it is important to know what makes up your milk and what you can expect to see along the way.

The Three Stages of Breast Milk

Breast milk changes as baby grows and as their nutritional needs change.

Your breast milk will go through three different stages: colostrum is first, then it becomes transitional milk, and finally, mature milk.


Colostrum is the first milk that your breasts produce. It is thick and yellow in color, and is often referred to as "liquid gold."

Colostrum is rich in antibodies and other immune system components that help protect your baby from infections and illnesses. So much so that many moms harvest and freeze their colostrum to give to their children when they get sick!

It also contains high levels of protein, which helps your baby's developing digestive system learn how to process food.

Transitional Milk

Transitional milk is the next stage of breast milk. It starts to appear about two to five days after birth and continues for a few weeks. Transitional milk is thinner than colostrum and has a creamier color. It still contains immune system components and protein but in lower concentrations.

Mature Milk

The third stage of breast milk is mature milk, which typically appears around two weeks postpartum.

This milk is white or creamy and contains the perfect balance of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins to meet the nutritional needs of your baby. Mature milk is also high in antibodies and immune-boosting cells to help protect baby from infection and illness.

Mature milk is broken down into two types: foremilk and hindmilk.

At the beginning of any feeding, the foremilk is the first type of milk that comes out and that your baby receives. This milk tends to be a bit thinner and bluer in color.

As your baby gets deeper into a feeding, the foremilk will transition into hindmilk. Hindmilk is thicker, creamier, and has a more yellow color due to the higher fat content. The fat in hindmilk helps your baby feel full and satisfied until the next feeding.

The Colors of Breast Milk - and What They Mean

While breast milk typically appears white or creamy, it can change colors for different reasons. Here are some of the most common breast milk colors and what they mean:

Blue Breast Milk

If your breast milk appears blue, it's likely due to a buildup of milk in the ducts. This is most common in the early weeks of breastfeeding when the milk supply is still stabilizing. It's generally not a cause for concern and will usually resolve on its own.

Green Breast Milk

Green breast milk can be caused by your diet. If you eat a lot of green vegetables, such as kale or spinach, the chlorophyll in those foods can sometimes cause your breast milk to take on a green tint.

Orange Breast Milk

Orange breast milk can be caused by foods that are high in beta-carotene, such as carrots or sweet potatoes. While seeing orange in your baby’s poop can be alarming, this is completely normal and nothing to worry about.

Pink/Red Breast Milk

If your breast milk appears pink or red, it's often due to a small amount of blood in the milk. This is commonly referred to as "strawberry milk" and can be caused by a cracked nipple, a clogged milk duct, or an infection in the breast. This sounds scary, but it's generally safe for the baby to drink.

Oat Mama Lactation Supplement

Oat Mama Lactation Supplement

Oat Mama's proprietary blend of galactagogues (milk-boosting herbs) includes alfalfa, goat's rue, milk thistle, moringa, shatavari, and spirulina. Plus it's gentle on the tummy.

When to Worry About Breast Milk Color Changes

While changes in breast milk color are usually harmless, there are some situations where it's important to speak with your doctor. If you’re constantly seeing green or bloody breast milk, experiencing pain or discomfort while breastfeeding, or notice other changes in your breast tissue, it's important to bring this up. Your doctor can help you decide if any further evaluation or treatment is needed.

Cut the Guess Work and Let Willow Help You Take Charge of Your Breastfeeding Journey

Breastfeeding is challenging enough without trying to figure out what your milk’s appearance means on your own. Willow is here to help!

Our wearable, hands-free breast pump is designed to provide nursing mothers with more freedom and flexibility. It’s cordless, rechargeable, and fits inside your bra, allowing the user to pump discreetly without being tethered to a wall or bulky pump. Our cutting-edge technology allows milk to flow directly into a disposable storage bag or reusable container, eliminating the need for separate bottles. The pump is also designed to mimic a baby's sucking motion, with adjustable suction levels and a unique suction pattern that can be customized to your preferences. Explore our products today!


The content provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals. It should not be used to diagnose or treat medical conditions or problems. Please contact your healthcare provider with questions or concerns.
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