Is it ever too late to increase milk supply? – Willow Pump Skip to main content
Is it ever too late to increase milk supply? | Willow | Hands-Free, App-Compatible & Wearable Breast Pumps

Is it ever too late to increase milk supply?

We asked an expert for her insights.

Experiencing a drop in milk supply can be stressful, and you may even wonder if it is too late to do anything about it. Rest assured, it's completely normal, and there are things you can do to help increase your milk supply if you've noticed that it's dropped off.

The easiest time to increase milk supply is during the first two months postpartum because it can become more challenging as your baby gets older. However, it is still possible to increase your supply as your baby gets older, it just might take a bit more patience.

Read on to learn more about what to do when your milk supply has dropped at any stage during your breastfeeding journey.

Try Power Pumping To Increase Milk Supply

One of the secrets to increasing milk supply at any stage is to empty your breasts as completely as possible, as often as possible. This routine sends a signal to your body that more milk is required. It’s all about supply and demand.

Power pumping is a routine that involves quick pumping sessions right after one another. Similar to the experience of cluster feeding from when your baby was a newborn, power pumping can send signals to your body that it's time to produce more milk. Your body knows what it's doing, and powering pumping is often a way for moms to increase their milk supply with a little encouragement.

Take a Breastfeeding "Babymoon"

While a tropical vacation is just what you deserve, a breastfeeding babymoon is a bit different (but still just as rewarding!). A babymoon consists of cuddling up in bed with your baby all weekend, skin-to-skin, and allowing them to feed as often and as long as they want.

It's the combination of emptying the breast and skin-to-skin for the entire weekend that sends a signal that more milk is needed. Similar to power-pumping, it helps give your body the natural encouragement to produce more milk as you settle into any new routine. Plus, it is a great way to spend a little extra snuggle time with your little one!

Willow Go™ Wearable Breast Pump

Willow Go™ Wearable Breast Pump

Next-level convenience—easy to learn, use, and clean—with a 100% comfort rating from moms.

Plan A Diet With Foods That Increase Milk Supply

Did you know that what you eat can play a factor in how much milk you produce? It's true! If you're ready to increase your supply, try switching up your diet to include galactagogues that help stimulate milk production.

Check out the Willow guide on Foods to Increase Milk Supply to get started and learn more about how certain nutritious foods can help boost your milk supply during your breastfeeding journey.

Oat Mama Lactation Supplement

Oat Mama Lactation Supplement

Oat Mama's proprietary blend of galactagogues (milk-boosting herbs) includes alfalfa, goat's rue, milk thistle, moringa, shatavari, and spirulina. Plus it's gentle on the tummy.

When is it Too Late to Increase Milk Supply?

The question you've been wondering – when is it too late to increase milk supply? A breastfeeding mom's milk supply typically peaks between the first 4-6 weeks. After 6 weeks, it may become more difficult to increase your supply. While that doesn't mean it's too late to increase your milk supply, it might take a bit more time and patience to start seeing results.

If you're experiencing a slow start to feeding during the first two months, be sure to meet with a lactation consultant or pediatrician. They can help you come up with a plan to increase your milk supply and can also help monitor any progress.

If you want to increase your supply after the 2-3 month mark, the best rule of thumb is to continue feeding or pumping consistently. To learn more about creating a pumping schedule that supports healthy milk production, visit the Willow Guide to Exclusive Pumping Schedules.

Get Answers to Your Other Breastfeeding Questions with Willow

Experiencing a change in milk supply can be scary, but you're not alone. Rest assured, there are things you can try to help increase your milk supply throughout your breastfeeding journey.

If you have other questions about your milk supply, we're here to help. The Willow blog has the answers to your feeding questions to help you feel more confident about your breastfeeding and pumping journey –you've got this, mama.

Want to ask our IBCLC more questions? Follow Willow on Instagram for more conversations with experts from the Willow community.

This article was written in partnership with International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Wendy Wright, who loves working side by side with moms and babies to find that secret sauce!

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals. It should not be used to diagnose or treat medical conditions or problems. Please contact your healthcare provider with questions or concerns.
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