Make it a Mom's World: Katherine

Mom to two, Santa Barbara living.

What if it was a mom’s world? Sure, we rule a lot of the world directly around us, but what if we were truly in charge of everything. We posed that question (amongst others) when we sat down to interview six women, mothers, neighbors, wives, partners, friends, and individuals with a lot to say. About life, child-rearing, breastfeeding, and what the future holds for moms everywhere.


What is the hardest part about being a mom?

The hardest part of being a mom is seeing your kid in pain. When they’re sick or struggling, I feel the pain.


What is the easiest part about being a mom?

I think the easiest part about being a mom is just loving them, that comes very easily. It’s grown more with time, I love them more everyday. When you’re in the newborn phase, it’s kinda difficult, but I haven’t ever had any difficulty loving them.


What would a mom’s world look like?

Oh gosh – I think if moms ran the world, things would be more centered on mothers and children. In America especially: longer maternity leave, better accommodations for moms everywhere. I could see that.


What makes you hopeful for future moms?

I think as we progress into the future, there’s definitely more awareness centering around family life and making sure mothers are taken care of too. I’m hopeful as we continue into the future, into future generations, it’ll continue to improve in that way.


How can moms show up for other moms?

Moms can show up for other moms by giving advice and being there for them. Emotional support, I think that’s a big one - at least that’s what I look for from my mom friends.

I definitely lean on my mom friends, my husband a lot too, for emotional support.

I show up for other moms by mostly digital communication. It’s hard with the everyday commitments to meet up often, but I think it’s great we live in this world of technology where we can communicate through so many different platforms without having to see someone in person.


What was your breastfeeding experience?

I loved breastfeeding most when I didn’t need to anymore because it felt like less pressure and I was able to enjoy it at a certain point.


How could we make it better?

I think I could have made it easier on myself by not having as much pressure. I told myself the second time around I wouldn't put so much pressure on myself, but I still did and I still continue to do so. Easier said than done.

What would a mom’s world look like to you? Share your story here.

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